Using Massage Therapy for Anxiety: Does It Work?

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Anxiety disorders affect around 18% of the population

Feelings of anxiety may be more common than you think. Many people suffer from anxious thoughts and behaviors and don’t get a diagnosis or treatment.

It’s common to think your anxiety isn’t bad enough to warrant treatment. Because of this, lots of people struggle with their symptoms in silence.

However, there’s no need to suffer alone. There are many ways you can improve your mental health, such as getting massage therapy to help ease anxiety. Massage can be invaluable in helping you learn to reduce your symptoms. 

Read on to learn about how getting a massage can help reduce anxiety.

The Science Behind Anxiety 

You don’t have to have an anxiety disorder to feel anxious; it’s a normal physiological response to situations that everyone feels from time to time. 

Regardless of whether you’re plagued with crippling and constant fear or only get occasional bouts of nerves, your body’s response is the same. 

Feelings of anxiety are triggered when your mind and body perceive you to be in potential danger. Historically ‘danger’ would mean running from predators. In the 21st century, it’s more like fear of public speaking.

As your body prepares to get you out of this threatening situation, you’ll notice classic anxiety symptoms: increased heart and breathing rate, sweating, and worry. 

This happens as your sympathetic nervous system activates and your body prepares for fight or flight. Usually, this passes as soon as the immediate danger has passed, but those with anxiety disorders find they’re in a constant state of hyper-alertness, ready to escape any situation that may arise. 

Does Massage Therapy Work for Anxiety?  

There’s plenty of research about the effects of massage therapy on reducing anxiety, and it is resoundingly positive. The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) states that practicing therapists can offer massage therapy for anxiety symptoms. 

When your body is in a hyper-alert state, the last thing you can think about is slowing down and calming down. But, if you aren’t in real danger, it’s the most beneficial thing you can do. 

Because people with anxiety disorders tend to live in the hyper-stimulated zone, they often find it impossible to switch off and relax. In fact, a meditative exercise that would be simple for someone without anxiety may be entirely unfeasible for someone with anxiety. 

Massage therapy is an effective way of forcing yourself to slow down, prioritize yourself, and be present in the moment. For the first few sessions, you may still notice your thoughts racing during a massage, but you learn to switch off and enjoy your pamper session over time. 

How Does Massage Therapy Work? 

The mechanisms behind massage therapy are multifaceted. On a basic level, it’s an experience away from the stresses of the real world. An hour on the massage bed is a great way to relax and recharge.

But there are physiological pathways that activate during a massage that help reduce anxiety on a deeper level. It helps restore biochemical balance, and the effects can last for days after a massage. 

First, one of the main biochemical changes is that cortisol reduces by up to 30% after a 60-minute massage. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, and people with anxiety usually have chronically high cortisol levels. 

Next, massage therapy helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system (this is the opposite of the sympathetic system and is responsible for slowing everything down). The parasympathetic nervous system helps lower all stress hormones, increases happy hormones, and helps put you in a relaxed state. 

Next, people with anxiety often complain of physical muscle tension in their jaws, shoulders, necks, and backs.

Massage therapy is one of the best remedies for muscle tension; as the knots in your back melt away, so can your worries. Getting some physical relief is a great way to break the cycle of perpetual tension that comes with anxiety disorders. 

Types of Massage Therapy for Anxiety 

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach as to the correct type of massage for anxiety. The most important thing is to choose what works best for you. 

Popular choices for reducing anxiety symptoms are hot stone, Swedish, and deep tissue massage. These massages are designed for ultimate relaxation. They help loosen muscles and tissues, and improve circulation. 

However, if you have particular needs, there are plenty of types of massage available. Medical massage therapy options (such as oncology and pregnancy) can help with the stresses associated with these states. Choosing a specialized type of massage means your massage therapist will be highly in tune with your needs. 

If you have injuries, physical therapy massage can be an excellent way to relieve both pain and stress. It’s a holistic way of improving physical and mental symptoms simultaneously. 

Other Benefits of Massage Therapy 

It’s an unfortunate fact that a symptom of anxiety is having myriad other health issues or ailments. For example, chronic migraines and irritable bowel syndrome are very common alongside anxiety. 

Massage therapy can help with several conditions associated with anxiety disorders. These include the following: 

  • Depression 
  • Chronic fatigue 
  • Headaches 
  • Muscle pain and tension 
  • Repetitive strain injuries 

Massage therapy is a holistic option that’ll help you relax if you have any of these symptoms. It doesn’t matter whether you have diagnosed anxiety or you’re just looking for self-care.

Regardless of which symptoms you’re having, an hour of pampering time once a week is a good thing. 

Ease Your Anxiety and Feel Better with Massage Therapy

Massage therapy programs help activate the calming biochemical pathways. This helps reduce your symptoms and treat your anxiety for good. 

At Faces Spa, our dedicated therapists can do a full consultation with you. They will help you decide which option will be best and have you feeling relaxed for days. 

Ready to feel better? Call 402-384-8400 today to start relieving your anxiety!

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